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Health Care


Children & Family

Victim & Legal

Food Banks

Income & Employment


Cultural Services

The North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre 

The Indigenous Friendship Centre provides direct counseling, support, cultural teachings and ceremonies to individuals in the North Bay community. 

Phone: 705-472-2811 ext 230


Address: 980 Cassells Street, North Bay ON

Indigenous Hub - Traditional Healing Services

The traditional healing services program offers ceremonies, guidance, counsel and cultural education services.


Phone: 705-995-0060


Address:  1040 Brookes St, North Bay ON

Health Care


Physical Health

North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit

The Health Unit provides the following physical health services; sexual health clinic, breastfeeding clinic, dental clinic, infection prevention and control investigations, needle syringe program, vaccination clinic, vaccination records and vision screening.

Phone: 705-474-1400

Address: 345 Oak Street West, North Bay ON

Indigenous Hub - Primary Care

Providing holistic and primary medical care rooted in Indigenous culture and traditions in acombine approach to medical services. 

Phone: 705-995-0060


Address:  1040 Brookes St, North Bay ON

Mental Health & Addiction

Canadian Mental Health Association

CMHA North Bay and district is a local mental health, addictions and peer support agency that specializes in support services to people with a serious mental illness. 

Phone: 705-476-4088


Address: 222 Main Street E, North Bay ON

Community Counselling Centre

The Community Counselling Centre of Nipissing non-profit organization providing counselling services and community programs to individuals, couples, and families.

Phone: 705-472-6515


Address:  361 McIntyre Street East, North Bay ON

Bounce Back

Bounce Back is a free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth (aged 15+) with low-mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety. Services are provided by over the phone coaching and online videos.

Phone: 1-866-345-0224


North Bay Regional Hospital

The North Bay Regional Hospital offers a variety of mental health and addiction crisis services for both inpatient/outpatients.

Phone: 705-472-6515


Address:  361 McIntyre Street East, North Bay ON

Kids Help Phone 

Call in or text crisis line for children and youth. 

Phone: 18006696868

Text: 686868

Hosng Services

Housing Services

Emergency & Transitional Housing

Nipissing Transition House

Woman's emergency shelter, crisis support counselling, and transitional housing support. The shelter is available for women ages 16 + and children fleeing abuse. 

Crisis & Shelter: 705-476-2429

Woman's Outreach: 705-494-9589

Address: 547 John Street, North Bay ON

Ojibway Women's Lodge

Ojibway Women's Lodge provides a cultural and holistic based healing approach to ending violence against women. They offer the following services for Indigenous women; Emergency shelter, transportation, crisis support, counselling, transitional housing and a housing support program.

Crisis line and shelter: 705-472-3321

Crisis Support/Counselling Program: 705-472-0233

Transitional & Housing Support Program: 705-472-0233

Address:  131 Commanda Crst, North Bay ON

Home Awaits Ministries - Mens Shelter

7 bed emergency shelter for men, life skill programming and clothing bank.

Phone: 705-494-5465

Address: 390 First Ave E, North Bay ON

Crisis Centre - Four Elms Residence

Emergency shelter accepting men, women and children.

Phone: 705-474-1031

Address: 1675 Cassells Street, North Bay ON

Futures Residence

10 bed transitional housing program for youth aged 16 to 24.

Phone: 705-476-4502

Address: 1675 Cassells Street, North Bay ON

Long Term Housing 

Ontario Aboriginal Housing

Affordable below market rate long term rental units located all over Ontario. 

Phone: 1-866-391-1061


Nipissing District Housing Corporation

They manage over 830 rent-geared-to-income and market rental units within the District of Nipissing.

Phone: 705-474-2151

Address:  200 McIntyre Street East, North Bay ON

CMHA North Bay and District - Housing

CMHA offers affordable housing programs in North Bay that support Individuals needing mental health support services and housing support services. 

Phone: 705-476-4088


Address: 222 Main Street E, North Bay ON 


PHARAR offers 1-3 bedroom units in North bay that are geared-to-income, subsidized and market rent.  

Phone: 705-472-6515


Address:  280 Oakwood Ave, North Bay ON

Native People of Nipissing Housing

Provides safe and affordable housing to Indigenous families and individuals in North Bay, Ontario.

Phone: 705-497-1773


Address: 120 Massey Dr, North Bay ON

Renters Rights and Housing Support Services

Landlord and Tenant Board

Legal rights for landlords and tenants. 

Phone: 1-888-332-3234

By-Law for the City of North Bay

By-law enforcement for the city on North Bay.

Contact: Ron Melnyk By-Law Enforcement Coordinator.

Phone: 705-474-0400 x2512


Low Income People Involvement of Nipissing (LIPI)

LIPI is a non-profit charitable organization that assists low-income and vulnerable individuals/families with a variety of services in order to prevent homelessness and assist those at risk of homelessness.

Phone: (705) 472-1337


Address: 127 Main St E, North Bay, ON 


Children and famly services


North Bay and Parry Sound District Health Uni

They offer the following programs; Breastfeeding clinic, healthy babies, healthy children program, prenatal classes and parental workshops.

Phone: 705-474-1400

Address: 345 Oak Street West, North Bay ON

Indigenous Hub - Early ON Centre

The Early On Centre provides parents and children a place to socialize with others and learn together in a safe environment.

Phone: 705-995-0060


Address:  1040 Brookes St, North Bay ON

Early ON Child and Family Centres (CFCs)

CFCs are places where children and families can learn, grow, and connect.

Phone: 705-474-8910 ext. 0


Address:  171 Chippewa Street West, North Bay ON

Family Enrichment

This program is a targeted resource program for parents and their children age birth to four.

Phone: 705-472-1201


Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Bay And District

Big Brothers Big Sisters Provides service to children by matching volunteers and youths in mentoring relationships.

Phone: (705) 474-3041


Address:  169 Lakeshore Drive, North Bay ON

Niijaansinaanik Child and Family Services

Niijaansinaanik Child and Family Services provides culturally centered protection, prevention, advocacy, care and cultural services for all children and families.

Phone: (705) 474-3041

24/7 Line1-855-223-5558

Address:  702 Main Street, Dokis First Nation, ON

Children's Aid Society

They provide protection, prevention, advocacy, care and services for all children and families.

Phone: (705) 472-0910

Address:  433 McIntyre Street West, North Bay ON

Jordan's Principle 

They Provide First Nations Children funding for health, social and educational needs.

Phone: 1-855-572-4453


Jumpstart provides grants for children and youth to participate in registered sports programs.

Phone: 1.844.937.7529


KidSport provides grants to kids from families facing financial barriers so they can participate in registered sport programs.

Phone: 705-474-0626 ext 2328

Address:  200 McIntyre Street East, North Bay ON

Victim and legal servicesd
Food bak an services


The Gathering Place

They provide drop-in fresh, healthy and well-balanced meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) four times a week.

Phone: 705-474-7687

Address:  1181 Cassells Street, North Bay ON

Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU)

Food Bank Provides non perishable food items to students in need - limit to 2 grocery bags per week.

Phone: 705-474-3450 ext 4801


Address:  221 College Dr, North Bay ON

St John's Anglican Church

Provides food items to individuals in need, it can be accessed every week - limit 6 items per visit.

Phone: 705-472-6070 or 705-472-2667


Address:  301 Main St E, North Bay ON

Redeemer Lutheran Church

Provides food items to individuals in need, it can be accessed on a first come first serve weekly basis.

Phone: 705-472-9169

Address:  725 Ferguson St, North Bay ON

St Brice's Anglican Church

Provides individuals in need of non-perishable foods to cover meals for one day. It can be accessed weekly. 

Phone: 705-474-4005


Address:  1225 Cassells St, North Bay ON

St Andrew's United Church 

Provides food items to individuals in need, it can be accessed biweekly - limit 8 items or more per visit.

(Item type and amount may very)

Phone: 705-472-7680


Address:  399 Cassells St, North Bay ON

Nipissing First Nation - Food Bank

Available to individuals living on-reserve on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, the deadline to access the food bank is Tuesday at 4pm. Clients are limited to ordering twice per month.

Phone: 705-753-6972


Address:  36 Semo Road, Garden Village ON

Trinity United Church

Food bank: Monday 9:30am-11am (once a month) and Infant food shelf: Wednesday 10am-12pm (up to 12 months)

Phone: 705-474-3310


Address: 111 McIntyre St E, North Bay ON

North Bay Food Bank

The North Bay Food Bank can serve individuals once every 30 days, they are given 1-3 days worth of food per visit.

Phone: 705-495-3290


Address:  1016 Fisher Street, North Bay ON

Pro-Cathedral Catholic Charities Food Bank 

Provides food items to individuals in need, it can be accessed on a monthly basis.

Phone: 705-472-3970


Address:  480 McIntyre St W, North Bay ON

Salvation Army

Provides food items to individuals in need, this can be accessed once every 60 days. 

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10am-12noon and 12:30pm-2pm * Call for appointment

Phone: 705-474-7859

Address:  134 McIntyre St E, North Bay ON

St Peters the Apostle Roman Catholic Church

Provides food items to individuals in need through phone in requests only (Monday 1pm-2pm) can be accessed on a monthly basis. 

Phone: 705-472-1817

Address:  299 Airport Rd, North Bay, ON

Canadore College - Food Bank  

Provides non perishable food items and personal hygiene products to students in need - limit to 3 visits per academic year.


Phone: 705-474-7600 ext 5301


Address:  100 College Dr, North Bay ON

Infant Food Cupboard

Provides families with infants 0-12 months in need with formula, diapers, and baby food to families in need twice a year.

Phone: 705-474-8910 ext 222


Address:  171 Chippewa St W, North Bay ON


Victim Services

Victim Services of Nipissing District 

They are non-profit, charitable organization that provide support to victims of crime, disaster and tragic circumstances. 

Phone: 705-472-2649


Address: 135 Princess Street West, North Bay ON

Amelia Rising Sexual Violence Support Centre of Nipissing

The centre provides free, confidential support for people 12 years old and older who have experienced sexual or gender-based violence.

24/7 Crisis Line: 705-476-3355

Phone: 705-840-2403


Address:  101 Worthington St. E. Suite 215, North Bay O

Legal Services

North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre

They offer the following legal services; Family Court Worker, Community Counsellor Probation and Parole, Criminal Court Worker Program and Indigenous Community Justice Program.

Phone: 705-472-2811 ext 203


Address: 980 Cassells Street, North Bay ON

Nipissing Community Legal Clinic

Provide no-fee legal services for low income residents of the city of North Bay and surrounding areas.

Phone: (705) 476-6603

Address:  107 Shirreff Avenue Suite 214, North Bay ON

Justice for Children and Youth


Free confidential legal advice for youth under 18 and homeless youth under 25 in Ontario.

Phone: 416-920-1633


Income and Employment


Income Services

Employment Services

District of Nipissing Ontario Works 

They help people become self-sufficient through temporary financial assistance and employment programs.


North Bay

Phone: (705) 474-2151

Address: 200 McIntyre Street East, North Bay ON

Sturgeon falls

Phone: (705) 753-5400

Address: 94 King Street, Sturgeon Falls ON


Phone: 705) 744-0395

Address: 540 Valois Drive, Mattawa ON

Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)


ODSP is intended to meet the needs of people with disabilities and help them to become more independent by providing financial assistance. 

Phone: 705-474-3540


Address:  621 Main St W, North Bay ON

disability services

Metis Nation of Ontario North Bay

They offer training and education to improve and gain new professional skills. 

Phone: 705-474-2767


Address: 156 McIntyre St W, North Bay ON

Apatisiwin Program - NBIFC

They offer help with job searching, employment counselling, training and education to improve and gain new professional skills. contact: Steve Guilbeault  –  Apatisiwin Employment Counselor.

Phone: 705-472-2811 ext 202


Address: 980 Cassells Street, North Bay ON

Yes Employment

Yes Employment helps people of all ages find work, get training, certifications or access to post secondary education.

North Bay

Phone: 705-476-3233

Address:  148 Main Street East, North Bay ON


Phone: 705-476-3234 ext 262

Address:  539 Valois Drive, Mattawa ON

Ready Set Hired

Local job postings.


Phone: 705-478-9713


Address: 150 First Ave. W. Suite 103, North Bay ON

Job Bank

National online job bank. 



The PADDLE Program North Bay

PADDLE provides a structured, inclusive and community-based environment where adults with developmental disabilities can grow socially, physically, emotionally and intellectually.

Phone: (705) 493-2401


Address: 235 Albert Street, North Bay ON

Canadian Hearing Services

They offer the following services; accessibility, counselling, hearing health care, education and employment.

Phone: 1-866-518-0000


Address:  271 Spadina Road, Toronto ON

Community Living North Bay

They provide services to individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families.

Phone: 705-476-3288


Address:  741 rue Wallace, North Bay ON

Hands North Bay


Autism and behavioral services. 

Phone: 705-476-2293


Address:  391 Oak Street East, North Bay ON


Endaayaan Awejaa  - 187 Main Street West , North Bay ON P1B 2T6 - 705-885-0955

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